Posts Tagged ‘all natural’

Truce – Why We Use (and Love) this Product

May 15th, 2020 | By Claudia Moreno

As an independent, locally-owned company ourselves, Moxie Girl strongly believes in supporting LOCAL, especially when the locally produced option produces amazing results at a very fair price! Truce is not only “local,” they’re actually our neighbors here at the Mac6 Park Lane facility in Tempe, Arizona, which is also Moxie Girl HQ!


What’s Truce?


Truce, founded in 2012, by Diann Peart, PhD, produces a line of eco-friendly cleaners which includes everything from household cleaners, laundry products – even pet care related needs! Truce’s mission, according to Diann, began and remains to help people get toxic chemicals out of their homes and away from children and pets.

But What is It Really?


Like, what’s IN those Truce products? Companies such as Truce aren’t actually required to disclose ingredients they use, and unfortunately less scrupulous producers (even those claiming to be “toxin-free”) can load their products with hazardous ingredients you probably wouldn’t be able to pronounce, even if they did list them. Truce, though, is a huge fan of transparency and WANTS you to know what they use. 

“We think it’s important to prove zero toxicity and zero nastiness, which is why our ingredients have been listed on every product label since our start,” says Diann.Truce uses only commonplace (and totally pronounceable) ingredients – things anyone could track down and mix up themselves if they were so inclined. A complete list of all ingredients Truce uses can be found on their website.


Professional-Level Clean


Moxie Girl, the Valley’s vacation rental specialist, has no time for toxic chemicals – or ineffective products! And of all the incredible products Truce offers, our favorite Truce product just HAS to be the Truce All-Purpose Cleaner. Literally every vacation rental “turn” we’ve done for years, has included the use of Truce All-Purpose Cleaner.

As the Valley’s leading vacation rental specialist, Moxie Girl is committed to providing a fresh-smelling, toxin-free, and above all truly clean and welcoming environment for your next guests. Truce All-Purpose Cleaner cleans from kitchen to bath and each room in-between – even outside to patio furniture, windows and more – leaving everything sparkling clean and streak-free!


Is Your Vacation Rental Home Eco-Friendly?

June 26th, 2019 | By Claudia Moreno

You may already know that Moxie Girl, your vacation rental specialist, is committed to being as earth-friendly as possible in all our endeavors. The Moxie cleaning method uses non-chemical products and low water usage techniques (we live in the desert, after all!) But, as a vacation rental homeowner, have you thought about ways to make your vacation rental property eco-friendly? We have…


Water Conservation


Again, we’re in the desert where every drop counts! Making sure any automatic drip/sprinkler systems on your vacation rental property are set to properly maximize the benefits while minimizing water waste!


Setting system timers to water during cooler periods of the day (overnight to sunrise) will ensure that the water meant for your landscaping won’t end up immediately evaporating. You may also find that despite our intense summer heat, you may actually need to water less if we’ve received any rain along with our summer storms. Avoid over-watering! Not only is it wasteful and expensive, but over-watering can also cause root-rot of your trees and plants!

Cooling Systems


Regular professional maintenance of your vacation rental homes cooling system is a must for efficient operation – and an experienced heating and cooling technician can spot potential issues before they become emergencies!  


Today’s technology makes it easier than ever to control your units settings – the thermostat in your vacation rental home can be monitored and controlled by you, wherever you happen to be. It’s as simple as installing an app on your phone!

Encourage Recycling


Summer usually means more beverages – and many of those beverages are packaged in bottles and cans, so encourage your vacation rental home guests to recycle by providing a recycling bin near the regular trash bin inside the home. Posting directions to the larger outside bin may gently nudge your guests to empty the inside bin as they fill it. (This can be helpful for the regular trash, as well. Don’t forget to stock trash bags for guest use!)


Refillable Amenities


With the increase in competition for bookings, providing amenities for your vacation rental home guests isn’t just a “nice touch” anymore – the practice has become customary. Some vacation rental homeowners stock individual-use items – mini-sized shampoo, conditioner, and bars of soap. Moxie Girl suggests using the full-size, refillable versions of these products for several reasons.

Using refillable hand-soap, haircare, body wash, and products are not only less expensive to the vacation rental homeowner, but it also reduces waste in packaging and that definitely makes an impact on our environment. (Don’t forget to keep those refillable product containers clean between guests, though, and see our Moxie blog, “That’s a Nice Touch!” for other ways to make your vacation rental home even more special for your guests!)

Moxie Girls favorite all-purpose cleaner!


Need Some Moxie in Your Life?


Moxie Girl is the Valley’s vacation rental care specialist! CLICK HERE to find out how we can be YOUR vacation rental specialist, too! Moxie Girl services dozens of vacation rental properties of all sizes, throughout the greater Phoenix area!

Moxie Girl is always looking for our newest team member – CLICK HERE to tell us about yourself!