Posts Tagged ‘entrepreneur’

The Summer Vacation Rental Home Season Isn’t Over Yet!

August 6th, 2019 | By Moxie Girl Team

Many Phoenix-area school districts start the school year as early as the beginning of August, but in other places across the country, classes don’t start until the day after Labor Day! This leaves August open for impromptu family vacations, and many of those families find it less expensive – and more convenient – to find a suitable vacation rental home for their family travels.


If you own a vacation rental in the Valley and have read up on the subject, you already know the benefits of keeping your property operating through our brutal summer – even though it might seem “easier” and “cheaper” to cease operations during these months. 


If you AREN’T in-the-know, here are a couple of blogs full of good information on the topic!


Boosting Your Summer Vacation Rental Bookings


Summer Vacation Rentals- Moxie Girl Debunks The Myths


It’s true, staying in the summer vacation rental game not only helps offset the year-round expenses associated with your vacation rental property, but keeping your vacation rental home active during the “off” months – with good reviews – will also help boost your rental to the top of your vacation rental platform’s listings. And THAT can only increase your bookings during peak season!


Need some help avoiding complaints and bad reviews? Check out these Moxie blogs!

Avoiding Complaints From Your Vacation Rental Guests


Vacation Rental Review Killers 



Late summer is famous for last-minute vacation rental home bookings, so stay in close communication with your vacation rental cleaning team. You’d never want to give your guests the feeling they’re receiving last-minute treatment!


Need Help With Your Vacation Rental Home?


Moxie Girl is the Valley’s vacation rental specialist, providing excellent service to 100+ vacation rental homes in the Phoenix Metro area. Find out if Moxie Girl is right for you – CLICK here for a free consultation!


Is Moxie Life for You?


Our Moxie Girl Vacation Rental Assistants enjoy flexible schedules, a supportive team environment, and opportunities for advancement. Tell us about yourself and we’ll be in touch soon!