Posts Tagged ‘holistic health’

Moxie Spotlight: Meet Randi, our Holistic Helper

October 23rd, 2018 | By Moxie Girl Team



A short while ago, we introduced you to Moxie Cat, our “Queen of Bed-Making”  in our first ever Moxie Spotlight feature. Today we’d like to meet you Moxie Randi, our holistic helper!


Moxie Girl takes pride in growing our team. We also take pride in helping our team members grow, both as Moxies and as individuals with personal goals. Randi is a shining example of the great things that can happen in the mutually supportive work environment Moxie offers. 


Learning and Earning


When Randi came to Moxie Girl in early 2017, she was looking for a job with the flexibility to accommodate her school schedule at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, where she studies western herbalism and holistic nutrition. Randi had worked at a gym cleaning equipment, locker rooms, showers – basically the entire gym, every workday.

Thanks to Moxie Girl’s flexible scheduling Randi was able to work nearly full-time while attending classes. She also learned she enjoyed cleaning more than she thought she did. According to Randi, “Cleaning a gym is DISGUSTING, so the thought of cleaning people’s houses seems like nothing to me. “


Building a Business – On the Job Training


A lot can happen in a year and a half! As Moxie Girl’s needs evolved, unexpected opportunities presented themselves to Randi. While Randi made plans to build her own business, Moxie Girl recognized that utilizing her eagerness to learn about business could be mutually beneficial! As a result, Randi has been at the core of the Moxie Girl marketing team since its inception earlier this year.


With graduation right around the corner, Randi is poised to launch her own business, where her ever-expanding knowledge of social media platforms from a business standpoint will definitely give her an edge and marketing her own line of products.


Moxie Girl-We are 100% Human


Moxie Girl has set some challenging goals for our business and we count on our team members sharing our goals and working to accomplish them. Recognizing that our team members have lives beyond their roles at Moxie doesn’t make us unique, but truly sharing in and supporting those lives does. Randi credits Moxie Girl with not only giving her some excellent, real-world preparation for operating her own business but also with getting her through some very tough times personally. 


For Randi, this year began with the news of the suicide of a good friend. Just one month later, Randi was confronted with more bad news…A dear friend had been lost at sea. Several days later when Rand was notified that “the body was found” her heart sank.


“I didn’t want to feel anything anymore, but every time I got to the point of completely giving up, Brea or Amanda would say or do something that would make me feel like everything would be okay. I miss my friends every day and still have ‘bad days’ all the time, but I always know that no matter what is going on in my life, I can still go to someone on the Moxie team and know everything will be alright – even when it feels like it’s all crumbled at my feet.”

Ready for Success

Randi will complete her degree in January 2019 and is busily preparing to launch her own business. Moxie Girl has become Randi’s “side gig” now. “I am a holistic practitioner looking to help people live their best lives,” says Randi. “My goal is to help people with any health issues they may have – using herbal remedies as well as different health and life suggestions. I eventually want to branch out into the marijuana industry and open up my own apothecary with a dispensary attached to it so people can get all the herbs in one place! I want to be able to educate people on the use of herbal remedies and marijuana as well as teach people about plant synergy between many different herbs. In my dream shop, I want to carry edibles that include marijuana and other herbs that work well with THC and CBD to create a unique healing experience. My life goal, however, is to teach families about growing their own food and help them set up community gardens. I believe if you have that security of knowing you will always have something to eat makes life just a little less stressful. This project will be to honor my grandfather who operated several farms and loved playing in the dirt with me!” 


Moxie Girl wishes Randi all the best in her personal business and we look forward to her continued contributions to the Moxie Girl team! Check out Randi’s new website, her Etsy shop as well as her Instagram to stay up to date with her! 

What Are You Doing with YOUR Life? 


Moxie Girl is always looking for motivated individuals to join us in achieving our goals. Moxies range from college students to moms with school-age kids, grandmas to artists. And don’t let our name fool you, we love our Moxie “boys” too!


With our professional paid training, flexible scheduling and all supplies included, Moxie Girl offers an excellent opportunity to thrive. Think you’ve got what it takes to join our team? Moxie Girl is expanding and we’d love to have you grow with us