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5 (Other) Great Uses for One Simple Product!

November 20th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

At Moxie Girl, we recognize the value of, well…VALUE! We’re pros as multi-tasking and we love to find cleaning products that multi-task as well.  One of our favorites is Dawn dishwashing liquid.  Dawn is an inexpensive and eco-friendly solution to many cleaning and household needs. We all know that Dawn is great for washing dishes and has even been used to save wildlife affected by oil spills, but here are a few more ways to utilize this simple but effective cleaning product.

  1. The REST of the Kitchen

Dishes aren’t the only thing in the kitchen that needs cleaning! A drop or two of Dawn on a wet cloth does an excellent job of tackling kitchen countertops.  Wipe them down and dry with a microfiber cloth – your countertops will shine like the summer sun!

  1. The Bathroom

Using the same technique we mentioned for kitchen countertops, Dawn is just what you need to easily remove body oils and grime from tile, tub and shower surfaces. For areas with build-up, use a net scrubby-sponge and a drop of Dawn directly on the surface being cleaned.

  1. Floors

A small amount of Dawn in your mop water boosts cleaning power, removing even greasy dirt and leaving your tile, laminate and concrete floors clean, shiny and residue-free.

  1. Laundry

Why spend money on expensive stain-removing products when Dawn is handy? A tiny drop of Dawn can often lift food and grease stains right out of your tablecloths, linens, towels and even clothing (always test first, on an inconspicuous area!) An old toothbrush can be helpful for scrubbing out tougher stains. Remember to rinse the item thoroughly when spot-cleaning.

  1. Lawn and Garden

Noticing unwanted pests on your plants? Instead of harmful chemicals, try this DYI insecticidal soap to rid your garden of these intruders! This solution is non-toxic and won’t harm your plants.

Make a concentrate:  You’ll need 1 cup of cooking oil.  Any variety will do – vegetable oil, canola oil, peanut oil…the important part is OIL. Use what you have on hand.  Mix that cup of oil with 2 tablespoons of Dawn.  Putting the oil and the Dawn in a glass jar with a secure lid is best – just seal and shake! Concentrate may be stored in the jar indefinitely – just shake before each use.

To use, mix 1 cup of warm water with just 2 teaspoons of the concentrate in a spray bottle and you’re ready to go! Check your plants at least twice a day (morning and evening) and spray directly on visible pests.  You should see a dramatic decrease after a few days of spraying on a regular schedule.

We are certain there must be even more uses for Dawn and we are always seeking new ways to make your life (and ours!) easier and more productive.  Whether it’s multi-use cleaning products or time-saving cleaning tips you desire, Moxie is always happy to share our discoveries! Check our other Moxie blogs for all kinds of helpful information.

Looking for professional, reliable turn service for your vacation rental home? Contact Moxie Girl, your vacation rental specialist, for a FREE CONSULTATION!

Removing the Ghosts of Holidays Past: Stains

November 6th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno



It’s almost that time… Feasts with family and friends, sharing a glass of wine and lots of hugs (we hope)! We finally have an excuse to bust out the “good stuff” in preparation for the holidays – elegant table linens, fancy guest towels and special occasion outfits! But even the most refined gatherings are chock full of opportunities for spills. And if your family and friends are like mine, forget about it! Spills are inevitable – and holiday stains are the worst! Never fear, Moxie Girl is here with some great solutions for these common but tough-to-remove stains. 


Eat, Drink, Hug. (Repeat)


The “greatest hits” of holiday stains are usually due to one or more of these activities. Eating and drinking, of course, are the mainstays of any holiday get-together. It’s also “splurge season” so we’re likely to be diving into a lot of rich foods, full of greasy, saucy or buttery goodness. Then there’s the wine… Mmmmmmm….holidays and red wine – they just seem to go together.


I always hope there will be at least ONE person I want to hug anywhere I go. I also hope they’re wearing stay-put lip color. Unfortunately, we’ve all had the experience of a hug leaving a mark on our clothing. Heck, I’ve even dropped my own lipstick during application and had it skip down my entire outfit before it landed on a new turquoise blue bathroom rug. And it wasn’t even a holiday! 

Read on to get the heads up on how to save your good stuff from stains! Whether a holiday stain occurs on a garment, linens or even upholstery, keep this blog handy and you’ll know just what to do.


First, is it Dry Clean Only?


Because if it is, you should probably let a professional dry cleaner handle this problem. This goes for any item, garment or table/decorative linen. Now, since it’s a holiday, it may be a minute before you’re able to get to a drycleaner – so to keep the stain from getting any worse, scrape off any solids. No rubbing! Take the item to your dry cleaner as soon as you’re able, point out, and let the dry cleaner know what caused the stain.


If you use a home dry cleaning kit, apply the pre-treatment provided (according to product directions) before putting the item in the dryer bag. I’m so-so on the home kits, myself. In addition to a residual odd smell, I haven’t had a ton of success using them to try to remove stains.


Washable Garments and Linens


For oily stains such as from meat, gravy or butter, scrape any solid bits from the fabric. Do not rub during this step – rubbing will only push the stain further into the fibers of the fabric. Pre-treat the stain with your favorite laundry product, if you have one – or try a little Dawn dishwashing liquid. Gently scrub your choice of pre-treatment into the stain – an old toothbrush is great for this task! Let the pre-treatment sit for 15 minutes then wash in the hottest temperature safe for the item. Check the stain before drying to make sure it’s gone.


If necessary repeat the pre-treatment and wash again, BEFORE drying. Drying the stain will only “set” it, making it permanent!




Lipstick can sure be a tough one, with its oil/wax and pigment components. Lift or scrape (do not rub) any chunks of lipstick from the item. Chunks? Of lipstick? Mhmmm. This can definitely happen if you drop your tube of lipstick and it skips down your entire front side and hits your new turquoise blue bathroom rug…


Take care of the oil/wax component of the lipstick stain by pre-treating the same way you would for the oily-type stains mentioned above. After pre-treatment, it’s time to tackle what’s left of the pigment portion of the stain. Use an oxygen-based bleach, safe for most colors and fabrics, mixed with a gallon of cold water. Check directions on your bleach bottle, but usually, 1/4 cup of bleach to one gallon of water is about right. 


Submerge the stained item and soak. You can check the stain periodically, and keep soaking until the stain is gone and then wash as normal. Again, check that the stains are gone before drying. Repeat the pre-treatment and washing, if necessary.


Red, Red Wine


You’re singing that song now, I’ll bet – at least the chorus.

For FRESH red wine stains, removal is easy as long as the item is able to withstand boiling water. Do not use this method of wine stain removal on a ‘dry clean only’ item unless you are truly making a last ditch effort to save it. 


Locate the wine stain on the item and pull the stained area tautly over an appropriately-sized mixing bowl, or other fairly deep but also large-mouthed vessel. (I’ve done this for tiny stains using a large, plastic drinking tumbler.) The bowl should be big enough so that you have a few inches of unstained fabric around the edge of the stain but inside the diameter of the bowl. Use a large rubber band to secure the fabric over the bowl. Pour boiling water through the stained fabric into the bowl, taking care not to splash. Once you’ve flushed out the stain entirely, launder the item as you normally would.


Now, if you’ve got a wine stain that is not so fresh, it’s far tougher to remove but I’ve had luck with this technique. Mix small but equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and Dawn dishwashing liquid – start with a half teaspoon of each. If you think your stain is going to be particularly tough to remove, mix two parts hydrogen peroxide to one part Dawn dishwashing liquid.


Lay the item on a flat surface and put an old towel under the area of the stain so as not to transfer it to another part of the garment or item. Rub the hydrogen peroxide and Dawn mixture into the fabric, gently, with your fingers. Start in the middle of the stained area to keep from making the stain bigger. Thoroughly saturate the stain with the solution and let the item sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with the hottest temperature water safe for the item. Hopefully, your old wine stain is gone, but if not repeat the process before drying!

Carpet and Upholstery Stains


If you have a stain on vintage or silk upholstery, stop right there and call a pro if you care about the piece! For other carpet and upholstery, as with garments and linens, scrape or lift solids from the stained area. Do not rub!


For these next steps, be careful to not over-wet your carpet or upholstery. Always do a “test” spot treatment in an inconspicuous area of the furniture or carpeting for color-fastness before treating the actual stain. If anything weird goes on in the test spot, stop and call a pro! If your test spot looks normal, proceed.


If you have a carpet cleaning product on hand, use a clean white cloth or a paper towel and treat the stain according to directions on the product packaging.


No carpet cleaning product on hand – or just hate chemicals? Try a tablespoon of Moxie Girl favorite, Dawn dishwashing liquid mixed with 2 cups of hot water. Add a tablespoon of ammonia and mix. Blot solution on carpet or upholstery with a clean sponge and then a dry towel. Repeat until the stain is gone. Using a fresh clean towel dampened with warm water, “rinse” the stained area to remove soapy residue which could attract more dirt later. Avoid the area and let it air dry completely. 




Moxie Girl hopes these tips help you stay stain-free through the holiday season and all year long. Check our blog frequently for more helpful tips and fun features on all sorts of Moxie topics!


Host Your Own Friendsgiving! 

October 30th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno



It’s not even officially in the dictionary – yet – but Friendsgiving has become a favorite tradition for many over the past decade or so.


Phoenix has always been one of those places where it seems almost everyone is from someplace else. As a born and raised here in the 60s kid, and a lifelong resident of Phoenix myself, I was used to new acquaintances regarding me as someone of a “jackalope” upon finding out my roots. (If you don’t know, a jackalope is Arizona’s version of a unicorn, a jackrabbit with antelope horns!) It seems everybody had heard about people born here, but nobody had ever actually met one!


With the steady growth Phoenix has experienced over the past several decades, plenty of babies have been born here and being a “native Phoenician” isn’t nearly as rare as it used to be. People continue to relocate to the Phoenix area for jobs and school, many leaving behind the family and friends with whom they would normally spend holidays.


Thanksgiving + Friends = Friendsgiving


Going home for the holidays isn’t always possible due to work, finances and other obstacles – and there are many who just actively avoid family gatherings for whatever reason.

We all have something to be thankful for though, and who doesn’t love a feast with friends? This is where Friendsgiving comes in. Moxie Girl has a few ideas to make hosting your own Friendsgiving easy and fun!

When Are We Doing This?


Well, that depends… Are you ADDING a Friendsgiving celebration to a traditional Thanksgiving week? Or are you having Friendsgiving INSTEAD of Thanksgiving?

If your BFFs all have family nearby, it’s likely you will be invited to join one of them for Thanksgiving. (And you should! It can be fun to meet the ‘crazy relatives’ your friends have told you so much about.) If you and your buddies all have family plans, the Friday or Saturday following Thanksgiving is a better choice to hold your Friendsgiving event.


However, if your gang is comprised mostly of friends who are also ‘on their own’ for the holiday, it might make the most sense to hold your Friendsgiving on Thanksgiving Day.


What’s on the Menu?


One of the great things about in an official holiday is that you are free to make your own rules and create new traditions! Unless you are just DYING to prepare an entire feast ‘solo’ for your group, a potluck buffet is always the answer. You can organize your potluck in varying degrees of detail, but assigning specific dishes for guests to bring will ensure you don’t end up with six bowls of mashed potatoes, but no gravy or some other “oops!” in the menu.


And remember, since it’s your friends and your rules, the menu is your choice as well. Maybe you’d like a traditional turkey dinner? Or maybe you want an all vegan/vegetarian menu… how about Mexican food? Mediterranean food? Totally up to you and your friends!


Some Friendsgiving celebrations are specifically planned for the Friday after Thanksgiving and guests are asked to bring their family Thanksgiving leftovers to share with the group.

Another option is that your friends all agree to ‘chip in’ and purchase a premade meal from a local market or eatery, saving you all in the mess of cooking in exchange for a few bucks.

Speaking of Dishes…And Other Things You May Not Have Enough Of


Living on your own for the first time? Or just simply live alone? You may likely have more friends than you have place-settings or even places to put them! Disposable dishes and utensils may be the answer, and they certainly make for easier cleanup.


A more eco-minded solution is to ask your friends to bring their own place settings. You can even turn it into fun by having a place-setting ‘decorating contest’ for your guests to create their own elegant/wacky/colorful place at the table.


For several years, my family members all agreed to show up with full-sized platters to use as our ‘feast’ plates. Mine was actually an hors-d’oeuvre tray with little compartments so my gravy would not touch my cranberry sauce or my candied sweet potatoes and RUIN EVERYTHING. (Yeah, I’m kinda weird that way.) The giant platters made for some funny photos too.


You may also need some help with seating arrangements for dinner. Folding tables and chairs will do if you don’t have a formal dining table large enough to accommodate your group.  Don’t have any? Ask around – anything that can be borrowed for the day is a good thing! And you may find that your guests have at least one folding chair or a set of old-school tray tables they can bring.


Plan for Fun!


This should be easy… What do you and your friends like to do? Thanksgiving day, post-feast, in my family finds us splintering off into smaller groups of football fans, movie watchers, board gamers or card players – even outdoor Slip n’ Slide fun in the backyard. Hey, it’s Phoenix!


So unless your friends are all into the same thing, prepare for a few different, but simple and fun, activities based on what you know about your group.


New Traditions


The weather in Phoenix is usually perfect in late November for enjoying outdoor activities. Perhaps start an annual tradition of a group hike or a bike ride – before or after your meal. If your friends are service-minded, Friendsgiving is the perfect opportunity to volunteer at one of the local agencies serving up a Thanksgiving meal to those less fortunate. 

The point is that your new tradition can be whatever you want it to be. As long as it’s fun it’s likely to catch on, too, making your annual Friendsgiving get-together something to look forward to year after year.


So start putting together your plans for Friendsgiving now and check out our Moxie blog regularly for ways to make your holidays – and every day – cleaner, easier and more fun!

Moxie Spotlight: Meet Randi, our Holistic Helper

October 23rd, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno



A short while ago, we introduced you to Moxie Cat, our “Queen of Bed-Making”  in our first ever Moxie Spotlight feature. Today we’d like to meet you Moxie Randi, our holistic helper!


Moxie Girl takes pride in growing our team. We also take pride in helping our team members grow, both as Moxies and as individuals with personal goals. Randi is a shining example of the great things that can happen in the mutually supportive work environment Moxie offers. 


Learning and Earning


When Randi came to Moxie Girl in early 2017, she was looking for a job with the flexibility to accommodate her school schedule at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, where she studies western herbalism and holistic nutrition. Randi had worked at a gym cleaning equipment, locker rooms, showers – basically the entire gym, every workday.

Thanks to Moxie Girl’s flexible scheduling Randi was able to work nearly full-time while attending classes. She also learned she enjoyed cleaning more than she thought she did. According to Randi, “Cleaning a gym is DISGUSTING, so the thought of cleaning people’s houses seems like nothing to me. “


Building a Business – On the Job Training


A lot can happen in a year and a half! As Moxie Girl’s needs evolved, unexpected opportunities presented themselves to Randi. While Randi made plans to build her own business, Moxie Girl recognized that utilizing her eagerness to learn about business could be mutually beneficial! As a result, Randi has been at the core of the Moxie Girl marketing team since its inception earlier this year.


With graduation right around the corner, Randi is poised to launch her own business, where her ever-expanding knowledge of social media platforms from a business standpoint will definitely give her an edge and marketing her own line of products.


Moxie Girl-We are 100% Human


Moxie Girl has set some challenging goals for our business and we count on our team members sharing our goals and working to accomplish them. Recognizing that our team members have lives beyond their roles at Moxie doesn’t make us unique, but truly sharing in and supporting those lives does. Randi credits Moxie Girl with not only giving her some excellent, real-world preparation for operating her own business but also with getting her through some very tough times personally. 


For Randi, this year began with the news of the suicide of a good friend. Just one month later, Randi was confronted with more bad news…A dear friend had been lost at sea. Several days later when Rand was notified that “the body was found” her heart sank.


“I didn’t want to feel anything anymore, but every time I got to the point of completely giving up, Brea or Amanda would say or do something that would make me feel like everything would be okay. I miss my friends every day and still have ‘bad days’ all the time, but I always know that no matter what is going on in my life, I can still go to someone on the Moxie team and know everything will be alright – even when it feels like it’s all crumbled at my feet.”

Ready for Success

Randi will complete her degree in January 2019 and is busily preparing to launch her own business. Moxie Girl has become Randi’s “side gig” now. “I am a holistic practitioner looking to help people live their best lives,” says Randi. “My goal is to help people with any health issues they may have – using herbal remedies as well as different health and life suggestions. I eventually want to branch out into the marijuana industry and open up my own apothecary with a dispensary attached to it so people can get all the herbs in one place! I want to be able to educate people on the use of herbal remedies and marijuana as well as teach people about plant synergy between many different herbs. In my dream shop, I want to carry edibles that include marijuana and other herbs that work well with THC and CBD to create a unique healing experience. My life goal, however, is to teach families about growing their own food and help them set up community gardens. I believe if you have that security of knowing you will always have something to eat makes life just a little less stressful. This project will be to honor my grandfather who operated several farms and loved playing in the dirt with me!” 


Moxie Girl wishes Randi all the best in her personal business and we look forward to her continued contributions to the Moxie Girl team! Check out Randi’s new website, her Etsy shop as well as her Instagram to stay up to date with her! 

What Are You Doing with YOUR Life? 


Moxie Girl is always looking for motivated individuals to join us in achieving our goals. Moxies range from college students to moms with school-age kids, grandmas to artists. And don’t let our name fool you, we love our Moxie “boys” too!


With our professional paid training, flexible scheduling and all supplies included, Moxie Girl offers an excellent opportunity to thrive. Think you’ve got what it takes to join our team? Moxie Girl is expanding and we’d love to have you grow with us

Moxie Girl Recommends Going GreenHouse!

October 16th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


With Moxie Girl’s increased focus on specializing in the care of vacation rental homes, we’d like to introduce you to our friends at Going GreenHouse! Going GreenHouse offers solutions for all your residential cleaning needs and more importantly, they share our love for natural cleaning products and satisfied clients!


April, founder and CEO of Going GreenHouse grew up in Chandler, AZ, and holds a BS in Finance from ASU WP Carey School of Business – which, in her words, led to a “very boring” career in Pension Administration.  These days April is busy running her own thriving business but still makes time to be heavily supportive of the Tammy D Foundation, participating in as many of their fundraising events as possible. For more info about the Tammy D Foundation.

April is also proudly featured in the KNOW Phoenix book for 2018, which is “a community of women-owned businesses that you should KNOW and do business with, in Phoenix.  These women are true rock stars of their professions, do tons of charity events and support other women without judgment,” says April. We say, nice!

Moxie Girl recently had the opportunity to ask April a few questions about Going GreenHouse. Read on to find out why we recommend this fantastic local company!


Moxie Girl: The Going GreenHouse website – which is awesome, by the way – states that you started your company because you realized the chemical cleaners you were using in your own home were making you sick. How quickly did your company plan come to action? Were you “solo” to start with?

April: I was inspired by my corporate job to do something that allowed me to have a flexible schedule as well as an active lifestyle.  I started cleaning the homes of friends and family on the weekends. After about 9 months of doing that, I had enough business to quit my full-time job. 

I was solo for the first couple of months, but I realized that in order to get more done I would have to hire someone to help me on an as-needed basis.  I was referred to a family friend, Lisa.  I asked if she wanted to help me out and she said sure. Lisa is about to celebrate her 7 year anniversary with us!  She is now my full-time office manager and the “yin to my yang” when it comes to running the business and that’s a nice balance to have. 


MG: Just based on his photo, I totally want to hang out with Crew Leader, Damani, for happy hour. How many employees does GGH currently have, and what’s most important to you when you are adding to your team? Any plans for growth?


April: Haha – we caught Damani in a rare moment with that pic!  He is usually pretty quiet and reserved, if you can believe that.  Damani is more of an animal guy than a party animal.  In fact, more than a handful of clients have written us thank you cards and given us 5 star reviews – from their pets – because he is so good and loving towards all animals! 

We have 15 on our team currently and Going GreenHouse is always looking to add awesome people.  The more team members, the more business we can schedule, after all! 

When hiring, the main things I look for are punctuality, reliability, teamwork, and positive attitude.  A positive attitude, especially, will get you a long way in my book!  This means if you accidentally damage something at a client’s home or if you get negative feedback, you take responsibility, own it and find a way to correct it without getting upset or taking it personally. 

MG: GGH seems to have a special relationship with your clients, as well as with their pets. Do you find that clients are more willing to trust (and are less likely to feel “judged” by) a cleaner when they know that person is also an animal-lover and/or a pet owner?


April: I do think that most people are concerned about how their pets feel about the new people in their homes because pets are part of the family too!  We have cat and dog treats at the ready just in case we need to make friends fast!  It is important to us that everyone in the family is comfortable with our being there. 

As far as being judged, I think that people naturally feel like they are being judged especially if they haven’t been able to maintain their home for one reason or another.  I have had clients that apologize the whole time I am performing a consultation and I tell them a few things…1.  We are no-judgment cleaners 2. They’ve got better things to do than cleaning their homes, like spending precious time with family or working on their own businesses. 3. A needy home is job security for us, so we can’t be mad at that!  We love to see a fabulous turnaround on a house when we finish!


MG: Are there any particular or unusual challenges your clients present that you feel GGH excels in dealing with?


April: I always tell my referral partners to send me their pickiest clients.  We use a very detailed checklist to manage client expectations, plus we have an electronic file for each client for any special requests or pet peeves.  I do an on-site consultation prior to every single first service to make sure we capture every client’s specific needs.  We value communication and send a feedback e-mail after every service to keep our communication fresh.  We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee so if any client is unhappy, we will send a crew back ASAP to remedy whatever was missed.  Also, each month our team members earn gift card incentives based on the positive client feedback they receive.  The people I hire are natural people-pleasers and genuinely care if the client is happy.


MG: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received from a client?


April: We are affiliated with the Tammy D Foundation, which pays us a discounted rate for us to clean homes of women battling breast cancer.  We usually have 5-10 of these clients on our schedule each month.  Going GreenHouse sends a crew of 2 people to their home for 2 hours to do whatever household chores they need to be done.  These women are by far our most grateful clients and when they send me a testimonial they usually make me cry because I am so moved by the generosity and care of my employees.  Our crews take a special interest in making sure these ladies are comfortable. They go above and beyond and even become close, personal friends with some.  It’s a really special bond and I’m proud to be able to facilitate it and proud of my crews for having such huge hearts that they use their own money to bring treats and gifts to our Tammy D clients and otherwise go out of their way when they can do something special for these ladies.


MG: I know using natural/chemical-free cleaning products is very important to you. How did you – and do you – decide on specific products for use at Going GreenHouse?


April: We are always trying new products!  If we don’t love the way something works, we will continue researching by following blogs, asking clients and doing web research. We also do a lot of ‘trial and error’ in our own homes to find out what works best!   We had a hard time finding a great “green” stainless steel cleaner for many years and had resorted to using olive oil. Olive oil does work, but it can be messy which of course is not ideal.  We finally found one that we love from “Earth-Friendly Products” that we found on


Contact Them!


The Going GreenHouse slogan is “Building a relationship with your family, your pets and your home” – and they mean it! From one-time services to regularly scheduled cleanings, Going GreenHouse is the eco-friendly, all natural answer to your residential cleaning needs. Get a free quote – visit or call 602-476-9321 today!


Cleaning Your Vacation Rental Home – What’s It Actually Costing You?

October 9th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

As the Valley’s vacation rental home experts, Moxie Girl is well aware of the difference a professional cleaning can make in terms of, among other things, guest satisfaction. Guests may cut you some slack on a few things, but cleanliness isn’t one of them. As we recently explored in our Moxie Blog, “Review Killers,” a good guest experience may turn into a good – or even great – review, but a bad guest experience almost always translates to a bad review. 

As a vacation rental homeowner, you basically have three options when it comes to cleaning your property: DYI, hire an independent cleaning person or contract with a professional cleaning company. Of course, there are pros and cons to each.  It’s up to you as the property owner to decide what each of those individual pros and cons actually weigh in relation to your particular situation. Read on as Moxie Girl delivers important points you should take into consideration when making your selection.

“I’ll Do It Myself, Thanks”

Do you own one, or maybe a small handful of vacation rental properties? Do you consider the operation of your vacation rental properties to be your full-time job? Do you love to clean and do laundry? If you shouted a resounding “YES!” in answer to all three of these questions, then perhaps the do-it-yourself option really IS for you! After all, the #1 “pro” for DIY cleaning is more money in your pocket. Plus, you’ll have total control – you know the job will be done YOUR way since YOU will be doing the job!

Turning your own properties does have multiple downsides though. What happens should you have an illness or injury that would keep you from cleaning? What if an emergency required you to be out-of-town that day? And what if you had a “same day” turn scheduled – with only a few short hours between departing guests and new arrivals? A DIY vacation rental homeowner better have a “Plan B” that won’t leave guests hanging. Even a “Plan C” shouldn’t be considered overkill if you’re doing this on your own!

One more question…Would you yourself be interested in taking a vacation of your very own, ever again? Assuming your answer is “yes!” how will you make that happen without affecting your vacation rental home operation? It sure would be a shame to have all that extra money you saved by DIY cleaning – even after purchasing your own supplies – there in your pocket and no time to relax and spend it. Just sayin’.

“I Know a Guy” – Adventures in Independent Contracting

Since commencing operation of your vacation rental home(s) – even if it was just last week – you’ve probably received all sorts of solicitation for rental home services, including independent cleaners.  There certainly are a lot of them in the Valley, and their prices may seem very attractive, especially when compared to the price of a professional cleaning company. You may have yourself almost convinced that using an independent is the way to go.  Think of all the extra time you’ll have for other things when you don’t have to spend your day at a property or two, getting ready for your next check-ins.

More free time is certainly at the top of the “pro” list here. And since you’ll still be “the boss” you’ll still be in control of how and when the job gets done – or at least you’d like to think so. Independent cleaners often work for a variety of clients. So what’s to keep your cleaner from being busy elsewhere on a day you need them? Or worse yet – what if they bail on you last minute?  Just as with the DIY option, Moxie Girl advises you keep a “Plan B” at the ready if you’re choosing an independent cleaner.

But, your “indy” is still less expensive than a hiring a professional cleaning company, right? Probably – and there are reasons why that could be…First, a large percentage of freelancers carry no liability insurance and are not covered by a worker’s compensation policy. This means that if he or she has an accident or incurs an injury while on your job, you (and YOUR insurance) are likely to be held responsible. Yikes! Before hiring any independent contractors, it’s definitely a good idea to ask about – and verify – their coverage, if any. If they are legitimately covered, great! Ask for a copy of current insurance certificates for your files.

In addition to insurance matters, there are also tax implications should you choose to go the independent route and end up paying any one individual over the (current) IRS threshold of $2,100 during the year. Moxie Girl won’t bore you with the details, because…taxes. Snore. But trust us, you won’t want the IRS to have to explain it to you either.

If you’re the seasoned, business-savvy operator of a multiple vacation rental homes and already have your own tax and insurance ducks in a row, an individual cleaner may still be a good option for you – as long as you are willing to keep your Plan B (and possibly a Plan C) at the ready.


Going Pro

We’ll start out with what must be the most common “con” we hear: “Professional cleaning is so expensive.” But is it, really? Let’s take a look at what you get when you put Moxie Girl in charge of turning your vacation rental…

  1. No training or supply burdens! Because we are a professional cleaning company, our team members are professionally trained. Moxie Girl comes equipped with our own tools and supplies – and the knowledge and experience to make your vacation rental home look, feel and SMELL its guest-ready best! We use eco-friendly products and we’re happy to customize our services to best fit your needs.
  2. No tax or insurance worries! Moxie Girl is a registered employer in good standing with the state of Arizona. In addition to being in compliance with all tax and insurance requirements, we are also quite choosy when growing our team.  All Moxies are subject to a thorough background check!
  3. Total peace of mind! Imagine simply linking your vacation rental home platform calendar to the Moxie Girl schedule and never worrying about turning your property again. You can also count on Moxie Girl to immediately alert you to any damages or other unpleasantness we may find on the job, allowing for the quickest remedy possible. We even monitor your guest and property supplies – from dish soap to toilet paper – to make sure you never run out!

Wow! These, of course, are just the top 3 “pros” of choosing a professional cleaning company for your vacation rental home.  How much are they worth to you? And what about your guests – what benefit do they receive from a professionally cleaned rental? Well, we’re confident that a Moxie Girl cleaning will make your guests feel as though special care was taken to provide them with a sparkling clean and beautifully staged place to spend their time. And who doesn’t love special care?

Cleaning Fees – To Charge, or Not to Charge

You care enough to choose a professional cleaning company to service your vacation rental home – so don’t be afraid to highlight this selling point in your listing. If you’re one of the many vacation rental homeowners charging a cleaning fee in addition to rental rates, mentioning that your property is professionally cleaned between each booking may make that cleaning fee a little easier to swallow for a prospective guest.

Some vacation rental homeowners don’t charge a separate cleaning fee, choosing instead to “bake it in” the rental rate. This can make your rates seem higher than comparable properties in your area, but highlighting the fact that your property is professionally cleaned – especially in the absence of charging a separate cleaning fee – will definitely be seen as a classy upgrade!

Moxie Girl really IS the Valley’s vacation rental home specialist! Contact us for a FREE consultation and find out just how quickly and easily we can resolve your vacation rental home worries. From set-up to between-guest cleanings, Moxie Girl does it all!

Coming Soon:  The Busiest Vacation Rental Season Yet!

October 2nd, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


Moxie Girl saw our busiest spring season ever in 2018 and with the Phoenix area growing in popularity as a vacation destination, we expect 2019 to be HUGE!

Read on to find out how to better prepare yourself and your vacation rental home to maximize bookings and profitability for the coming spring.


Mark Your Calendars!

Events such as the Waste Management Phoenix Open golf tournament and the Cactus League spring training games draw thousands of visitors to the Phoenix area each year and 2019 should be no exception. The Phoenix Open runs from January 28th to February 3rd. Spring training dates for 2019 aren’t scheduled as of this writing, but if we have to “ballpark” it (see what we did there?) Moxie Girl says plan for the last week of February through the first few days in April, for now.


Also, the month of March – ALL of it – seems to be the most popular month for vacationing in Phoenix – and it’s no wonder since our weather is usually perfect!

Review your vacation rental home rates for all spring dates, NOW. Lodging rates during these high-traffic months can be 2 1/2 to 3 times higher than summer months, so do a little comparison shopping for vacation rental and hotel rates in your area to determine what you should be charging and update your rental calendar accordingly.


Accentuate Your Positives!

If your property listing could use a little punching up, spring is a great time for doing just that! Does your property boast a swimming pool or a spa? If so, be sure to highlight those features in your listings. Some updated photos may be in order, especially if you’ve made any improvements or decorative changes to your vacation rental home. Show it off!


Accurate and appealing descriptions are always a must – and don’t forget to stress the desirability of your vacation rental home(s) location!  Many guests are willing to pay more to enjoy the convenience of being within walking distance or a short Uber ride to event venues.

Shut Up Liver, You’re Fine!

Vacation rental homeowners beware; alcohol is likely to play a huge part in guest activities in the first quarter of the year – it seems to be a tradition. Unfortunately, alcohol consumption has a bad habit of increasing the chance of mishaps during your guests stay. Now is the time to do a thorough walk-through of your vacation rental property, take care of any maintenance issues and remove any decorative items which may be easily broken or are not-so-easily cleaned.


Moxie Girl has walked in to ‘party aftermath’ on cleaning day enough times to know that you don’t want to waste any time checking the condition of your vacation rental home after your guests depart. It’s important to remember, too, that most vacation rental home platforms have a limited window for you to charge your guests for any damages that may have occurred, so time is certainly of the essence!


While there may be many reasons for unanticipated late checkouts, alcohol consumption will probably also be to blame for at least a few during the spring season. Be sure your policies regarding the use of your property as well as fees for damage and late checkouts are clearly stated and understood by your guests. You may also want to consider increasing the deposit you require on your vacation rental property during this time.


Bro Bashes


We’re not saying females can’t be messy – or unruly – but as the old saying goes, “Boys will be boys.” With spring weddings so popular in the Phoenix area, you may notice an increase in the booking of bachelor party stays, especially if you vacation rental home is in a prime nightlife spot (think Old Town Scottsdale, ASU Tempe, and downtown Phoenix.)


It’s been Moxie Girl’s experience that if anything is going to get broken or thrown up on, it’s like to happen during a “Bro Bash.” So plan to get in there quickly after checkout and schedule a little extra time for cleaning if possible, just in case!


Talking Trash


As you might imagine all this spring partying tends to create mountains of trash and even bigger mountains of recyclables. Expect a lot of empty bottles, cans, and cartons during this time. Clearly labeling your recycle bins – indoor and outdoor – with the specifics of your vacation rental homes recycling service will make it easier for your guests to properly dispose of their refuse and keep you out of trouble with your service provider. Know your scheduled pick-up days and make sure your bins are out on time!



So, try to ignore the heat for now and get busy with planning for a busy and profitable 2019 spring season! From set-up to clean-up, Moxie Girl is an expert in caring for vacation rental homes throughout the Phoenix area. Check out our other blogs for more great tips on preparing and maintaining your vacation rental property. If you’d rather enjoy more of your free time than be bothered with all these details, give us a call! Moxie Girl would love to be YOUR vacation rental home specialist, too!

Eek-A Spider! Clearing Your Home of Eight-Legged Invaders

September 18th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

Spiders…Yikes! Most of us, if not completely terrified, are at least a little uncomfortable confronting them. And most of us have at least one personal horror story as a result. My own involves battling a quite sizable wolf spider with a can of AquaNet Extra Super Hold.  Yes, it was the 80’s, and no, the hair shellac didn’t win…a braver-than-I neighbor lady was called in to help and conquered the by then very sticky beast with a good, old-fashioned foot stomp. Ew.

Spiders are a great natural pest deterrent, as they love to dine on mosquitoes, flies and other tiny things we’d rather not have around.  But most of us would agree we’d rather keep spiders busy OUTSIDE, rather than inside our homes. Read on as Moxie Girl shares some tips to rid your living space of these eight-legged creatures!

Is Your Home an Arachnid Playground?

Often we see far more evidence of spiders in our homes, rather than the actual spiders themselves – collections of intricate webs hanging out in corners, underneath furniture or between those stacks of magazines, newspapers and junk mail we’ve let pile up. And sometimes we walk into webs without ever seeing them until it’s too late.  That’s always fun, right?

So, we know they’re there – and clearly they’re comfortable.  The key to a spider-free home is to make them UNcomfortable enough to move along. And think how much more comfortable YOU’LL be in your home without having to be on the lookout for spiders!

First, Let’s Clear those Cobwebs…

While it may be tempting to let those cobwebs “do their thing” and get a jump on some very authentic Halloween decorations, unless you’re a fan of sharing your home with the spiders that are creating them, it’s probably not the best idea.

As a first step, Moxie Girl suggests removing any existing cobwebs you see inside the house.  Use your vacuums attachment tool to suck up cobwebs – and any lurking spiders! They’ll be quickly and neatly contained in the canister and easily disposed of without ever touching them with your hands. For webs in areas surrounded by delicate items, use a disposable duster. Be sure to check your window sills and door jambs for cobwebs, too!


Spiders love a good hideout, making clutter a most inviting place to lay down a web. By de-cluttering your home, you’ll automatically decrease the potential places for spiders to set up camp. After you’ve vacuumed up all those webs you found, set about getting rid of the clutter! Spiders aren’t the only creepers preferring a hidden, cluttered habitat – and as we know, spiders love dining on other pests. Clearing the clutter will deter these other pests as well, cutting off the food supply to the spiders you’re attempting to oust.

Get rid of stacks (and piles) of stuff just waiting for a spider invasion.  Do you really NEED those magazines from 2014? If so, at least consider plastic storage tubs or boxes with lids to keep your treasures spider and insect-free.

Don’t Forget the Outside

Exterior doors, window ledges, patio structures and furniture (including umbrellas) and corners should all get the web-removal treatment.  Moxie Girl recommends using a wet/dry shop vac for this task, since moisture may be a factor outside. While you’re at it, you can use that shop vac to quickly collect any other patio debris at the same time.

You’re not the only one thinking your patio furniture is comfy. Spiders may find it a most attractive, too. Pay special attention to removing webs from your patio furniture – especially cushions!

Falling Through the Cracks

Okay, so it’s not so much “falling” through the cracks as is it CRAWLING through the cracks we should be worried about. Spiders – and lots of other pests – may be using the tiniest of entryways into your home. Make a thorough walk-through of your home, looking for any gaps needing to be sealed off.  These types of “secret entrances” seem to be more prominent around exterior doors and windows. Your local hardware store staff can steer you toward the best products to use, depending on what and where you need to seal.

Nature’s Spider Remedies

Moxie Girl takes special care to use eco-friendly products whenever and wherever possible, and pest deterrents are no exception. We’ve got several natural remedies for keeping spiders from making their home in and around yours!

Essential oils, especially lemon, citrus, lavender, and peppermint may be quite effective in deterring spiders in the home. Make your own “spider spray” by mixing 5-10 drops of any of these essential oils and 5 drops of Dawn Dishwashing Liquid with 1 quart of water. Because essential oils may spot or stain, always test first in an inconspicuous area.  Once you’ve determined it is safe for your particular surfaces, spray away – especially in areas where you previously found cobwebs.

Cat owners: Please beware that essential oils, especially those hated by spiders and other pests, may be harmful to your felines. (This goes for using aromatherapy infusers as well.) Better to keep Miss Kitty safely away from ANY essential oil use than to wind up sorry!

Diatomaceous Earth is another chemical-free deterrent that works to kill many types of pests including spiders.  “DE” as it’s commonly known is mostly just fossilized plankton, ground into a powder. Under a microscope, DE resembles miniature shards of glass! It is generally harmless to humans and other mammals, but to any pest with an exoskeleton, a walk through some DE will literally make cuts to their bodies, causing dehydration and eventually death.  Moxie Girl suggests putting a small border of DE outside, around your entire home as “Not Welcome” sign to any invading pests.

Important to note:  DE is ONLY effective when it’s DRY. Moisture turns all of its sharp edges to mush.  If your DE “line of defense” gets wet but doesn’t wash away, it will become effective again once it dries out.  DE is safe to ingest – it’s even sometimes added to dry food items during production to kill any pests that may lurking in the food.  (Try not to think about that last statement too much. Double “ew.”) But do be aware that you should refrain from breathing in DE since it could have the same effect on your respiratory system that it has on exoskeletal pests!

Certain plants may also be helpful in repelling spiders.  Eucalyptus, lavender, mint, lemon verbena and lemongrass plant smell great – to us, not spiders – and bring a little of the outside, in! If you already use a furniture polish containing lemon oil (and many polishes do) consider spraying it on a rag and wiping interior window sills and doorways with it as an added layer of repellent.

Logical Lighting

Even though spiders aren’t drawn to light themselves, many of their favorite treats are, making outdoor light fixtures the perfect place for a spider feast. If you’re leaving outdoor lights on and your fixtures happen to be right next to doors and windows – as they often are – you’re actually encouraging spiders to hang out there by attracting a steady food supply for them.

You can create much more pleasingly ambient outdoor lighting and draw pests AWAY from your home’s points of entry by using rope lighting, LED candles or solar-powered stake lights – and turning off those traditional porch lights. Other outdoor pests will be drawn to these light sources, and the spiders will follow their food source!

Spidey-Senses, Weird Facts and When to Call in a Pro

Even though spiders have just as many eyes as they have legs, most are also what we humans would call “vision-impaired.” Spiders rely heavily on vibrations to guide them away from danger and to their prey. Spiders can also smell and taste using special sensory organs located on their legs. Weird.

Most spiders aren’t “poisonous” even though they may look pretty scary. If you do suspect your particular eight-legged invaders to be Brown Recluse or Black Widows, calling in a professional exterminator ASAP is advised, since your potential problems are far scarier than some cobweb build-up. Bites from either of these two generally require emergency treatment, so you’ll definitely want to get them out, once and for all!


A regularly scheduled and thorough cleaning inside and out will not only make your home nicer for you, but a clean, clutter-free home is a total buzzkill for spiders. Moxie Girl isn’t JUST your vacation rental home specialist – we’re happy to help at your residence, as well! Just tell us what you’d like us to do for YOU!


Moxie Girl Spotlight:  Meet Cat, Our Queen of Bed-Making!

September 18th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

Moxie Girl knows that one of our biggest assets is our outstanding team – and we look for a whole lot of, well, MOXIE when adding to it! In the first of a series, we are shining our spotlight on our Moxie, Cat.

Catherine, Cat for short, joined the Moxie Girl team in May of 2017 and quickly began showing off her propensity for bed-making.  With her “hospital corners”, pillows fluffed to dreamy perfection and an eye for eye-catching designs, Cat doesn’t just ‘make a bed’ – she creates a comfy and inviting work of domestic art!

I recently had an opportunity to catch up with Cat and get a little more insight into our own Queen of Bed-Making…


Moxie Girl:  Other than your passion for bed-making, what should we know about you?

Cat: I am humanist, born and raised in Arizona and currently studying psychology & philosophy. 


MG: Have you always been what some people might call “obsessed” with bed-making perfection?

Cat: Working for Moxie Girl has definitely enabled and encouraged my “obsession for bed making perfection”. I have always appreciated a beautiful bed, but was not always able to put one together.

MG: Who first taught you to make a bed? Does this fascination with bed-making run in your family?

Cat: I don’t remember if my parents taught me how to make a bed or if I taught myself… However, I was professionally trained on how to make a bed at Moxie Girl by Wendy. Neither of my parents are obsessed with beds but I do have a few obsessive bed-making aunties. 


MG: Do you make your own bed every day? Do you take the time to get fancy with it?

Cat: I like to make my bed every day!  It just makes me feel like I’ve got life figured out. BUT the only time I really make my bed is when I first lay fresh sheets. 

MG: What’s your favorite source of inspiration for creative bed dressing? What is your current favorite look or design?

Cat: I love to look on Pinterest for different ways to make beds. Nothing beats a big white fluffy bed. I consider my style minimal and simplistic! 

MG: I happen to know you’re also an expert at folding sheets.  Is there a task that frustrates you to the same degree most people get frustrated by attempting to neatly fold a fitted sheet?

Cat: I cannot bear ironing! I hate ironing dress clothes. I am simply just not good at it!


MG: What do you feel are the three most important qualities of a Moxie Girl?

Cat: Kindness, grit and playfulness.

MG: What is YOUR favorite thing about being a Moxie Girl?

Cat: My favorite thing about being a Moxie girl is getting to learn new things from all of the angles of the business, whether it’s learning how to market and network or learning new ways to make a room beautiful.

All beds above made by Catherine!

Awwww…Cat, you make any room more beautiful just by being in it!

In addition to keeping our Moxie Girls (and boys!) motivated and engaged in providing our clients with excellent service, we also strive to support and encourage our Moxies in their professional – and personal – goals!

With our professional paid training, flexible scheduling and all supplies included, Moxie Girl offers an excellent opportunity to thrive. Think you’ve got what it takes to join our team? Moxie Girl is expanding and we’d love to have you come to grow with us.  Click on the application and tell us about yourself! 

Fall Fireside Chat – Chad Nikkel, Owner of Aquaman Pools

September 10th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno



Phoenix is known for its year-round warm temperatures, but even if it’s 85 degrees on a “winter” day, chances are the pool water is at least 30 degrees less – Brrrr! If your vacation rental home pool isn’t heated, you may be losing fall and winter bookings to properties with warmer waters. Amanda Thomas of Moxie Girl recently had the opportunity to chat with Chad Nikkel, owner of Aquaman Pools, about the costs and benefits associated with installing a pool heater at your vacation rental home. Read on to see if a pool heater makes sense for your vacation rental!


Amanda Thomas:  Hi there, I’m Amanda Thomas with Moxie Girl, your vacation rental specialists. We are here again with Chad Nikkel, the owner of Aquaman Pools, and today we are talking pool heaters. As guests come to the Valley and stay in vacation rentals, pool heat is a very popular option for them to add on. Since Chad has expertise in this we thought we’d ask him a few questions about what he sees with the vacation rentals he works with. So thanks for joining us.


Chad Nikkel:  You bet, pleased to be here, Amanda. So we’re talking about pool heaters, right? As a vacation rental owner, having your pool heated probably means that people are going to choose your property over the next one. People come to the Valley and they want to enjoy the pool, whether it’s January or whether it’s May.


Even in the later spring, people enjoy swimming in warm water, not in… Minnesota water, let’s call it. So, a pool heater is a great way to make more money on your property. A lot of vacation rental owners charge extra per night if you want to use the pool heater. And that can be an amount of money that is highly profitable, ultimately. We can install the pool heater and put an automation system on it so you can manage it remotely. You can turn it on or off, you can set the temperature remotely, you wouldn’t have to be anywhere near that house to do that. And that could be controlled very easily through a website or an app on your phone. It’s a great idea.

AT:  With some of the managers and owners that we work with, we’ve heard anything from $40 or $50 a night, and you were saying some of your clients charge upwards of $75 a night. They may charge a weekly minimum, so even if somebody’s there for three days, they still charge a week of pool heat because it does take that extra energy to get the pool heat up. It can be really profitable especially in those winter months when people come to Arizona and it’s 80° outside, they think the pool is going to be great to get into – until they discover it is 50° in the water! Can you talk a little bit about what is the upfront investment of getting a pool heater installed?


CN:  So, a couple things… If you don’t have a pool heater already and if the house does not have natural gas, then a gas pool heater might be a more costly option because then you have to plumb in the gas line and things like that. Quite often the best solution is to install what we call a heat pump. It’s an electric pool heater – it works very similarly to an air-conditioner, only in reverse. It’s very cost-effective to run. In actual operation, it may only be a few hundred dollars a month to run it, if it is run correctly. The installation is going to be maybe $5,000-$7000, whereas a gas heater might be in the $3,000-$4000 range. The disadvantage to a gas heater is that it’s costlier to run, over time. The advantage to a gas heater is that it is more instant heat. If it’s March and you want the pool to be 85° tomorrow, you turn on the gas and it’s 85° tomorrow. With the heat pump, it will take a few days to get up to that temperature but it’s more cost-effective in the long run. I would say 80 to 90% of all the vacation rentals we take care of have heat pumps rather than gas heaters.

AT:  All right, make sense. So, if you don’t have a heater in your pool and you are thinking about doing it, run the numbers. You want to look at the initial up-front cost of $5,000-$7,000 for an electric heater, or for gas, you’re saying $3,000 to $5,000. And then how quickly can you make that back? It may be a really good investment and you can get it paid for, and it’s profit on top of that as you go forward!


CN: Good stuff!


AT: Awesome! If you have any questions, please reach out to Aquaman Pools. They are locally owned, this is Chad the owner. Absolutely fantastic company. Highly recommend them for residential, vacation rental, all your pool needs!


CN:  Sounds great, thanks!

For all your pool service needs, contact Aquaman Pools at 480-243 POOL (480-243-7665) or email!

With our vast experience, Moxie Girl can help with all your vacation rental home needs – and we’ve found some of the best local products and services in The Valley. Watch for more Moxie Girl fireside chats coming soon!

Eluding the “Creeping Crud” and Other Minor Plague

September 3rd, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


Fall is just around the corner and the kids are already back to school – and you know what that means…increased risk of catching whatever illness-du-jour is making its rounds.  Kids – you got to love ‘em, but wow! They can be gross without even trying! Even when they’ve been “taught better,” they’ll think nothing of letting a germy friend sip from their juice box straw, or they’ll rub their as-yet-undiscovered, conjunctivitis-ridden eye and proceed to touch just about everything.

Kids aren’t the only ones…I’ve seen plenty of grown-ups with sketchy, germ-promoting behaviors. I worked in a fancy high-rise office building for several years and was astounded at the things I’d witness.  Everything from skipping hand-washing in the restroom to – gasp! I only WISH I was making this up– flossing in the elevator. You read it right. FLOSSING, IN THE ELEVATOR. I’m still trying to mentally recover from that last one – and I left the building permanently four years ago!

It’s tough to be Moxie – or even nice – when you’re sick, so to help you combat all the nastiness that will try to take hold of you (and everyone else) in the coming months, Moxie Girl has some tips. First of all…



Yes, it’s basic – but SO important! I used to see a doctor who told me that when she was in pre-med, she had a professor who firmly believed that almost ALL common contagious illnesses could be prevented with appropriately frequent and proper hand-washing. So much so, that if a student of his turned up with a cold it would be an automatic 5% lowering of the student’s grade in his class. Talk about adding insult to injury – or in this case, illness. Ouch!

And in case you are wondering, there IS a proper way to wash your hands.  You’re welcome!

Cough Like a Pro

Certain professions require extensive exposure to the general public. All the super-savvy healthcare professionals, flight attendants, teachers and servers I know would NEVER cough into their hands.  The pros cough into the crooks of their arms, so as not to spread germs. Why? Well, they won’t be touching you, or your food, or probably anything else with the crooks of their arms, will they? Nope. They will, however, probably be using their hands for those things.  

I know I grew up hearing “cover your mouth when you cough” and I did, with my hand. And so did the adults who were telling me that, so, monkey-see, monkey-do, I suppose. But do us all a favor and start retraining yourself – and your family and friends to bury that cough in the crook of your arm instead of turning your hands into germ-delivery devices. “I would LOVE a big, fat handful of your germs!” said no one, ever.

Kill ‘Me All!

You can’t kill ALL the germs – but you can make an astounding difference in the volume of germs waiting for an opportunity to “blossom.” Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, collectively known as “germs”, are literally everywhere.  They don’t ALL make us sick – in fact, we even need some of them to stay healthy. Cold and flu season is no time to give any germs the benefit of the doubt, though. Eradicating household germs may seem like a daunting task, especially if you’ve got a family, but Moxie Girl has a quick way to knock out the majority of them by taking a regular shot at the places they most commonly hang out.

Again, it’s impossible to create a sterile environment in your home – believe me, I’ve tried! But doing a quick walk through and cleaning common points of infection in the house once or twice a day with disinfectant wipes will absolutely reduce the chances of the creeping crud spreading to your entire crew.

Common Points of Infection

What ARE the most common points of infection, you ask? Well, basically anything a human touches, starting with the knob on the front door. So grab your disinfectant wipes, and tackle these points:

Doorknobs – Inside the house and outside.  Arcadia doors are no exception.

TV and other device remotes

Light and ceiling fan switches and pulls

Cabinet and drawer pulls – especially in the kitchen and bath areas

Appliance handles and doors – Refrigerator, washer/dryer, microwave, toaster oven, coffee maker – all the things!

Faucet and toilet handles and shower door pulls

Anything else you think may be a common point of infection in your home (you know better than we do what goes on at your place!)

BTW, Moxie Girl ran across a “recipe” for DIY disinfectant wipes – and a cute DIY dispenser for them. This looks fun and functional – thanks

One More Thing… Is that Water Hot Enough?

Be sure your dishes are being washed and rinsed in water that’s at least 120 degrees. Most automatic dishwashers also have a sanitation cycle which puts your dishes through a 180-degree rinse.  If washing “by hand” consider adding an extra manual sanitizing step – it’s simple! After an appropriately hot and soapy wash, dip dishes – and especially eating utensils – in a solution of one-gallon hot water with 1 to 3 teaspoons of liquid bleach added.

Enjoying our blogs, but thinking your home could use some specialized assistance? Moxie Girl would love to help – just hit the FREE CONSULTATION button on our homepage, and we’ll be in touch when it’s most convenient for YOU!

(Vacation rental) Home for the Holidays

August 27th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


It’s still summer, temperatures are still blazing and cooler weather seems like a distant mirage. But chins up, vacation rental homeowners! Perfect weather is much closer than it seems – and it’s bringing the holidays with it! Potential guests are currently scouring vacation rental websites in search of the perfect holiday vacation stay. Phoenix area vacation rental homes have been steadily increasing in popularity for holiday visits, and now is the time to start thinking about what you can do to increase your guest satisfaction during that busy holiday season. As always, Moxie Girl is here to help with some excellent tips for prepping your vacation rental home for the holidays!


The Changing of the Colors

Aside from our weather becoming the envy of pretty much everyone, we don’t really see much change in natural decor here in the desert from season to season, unless the wildflowers and cactus blooms are showing. Phoenix area colors are pretty much the same year round, so why not consider making a few simple and inexpensive changes in and around your vacation rental home for the fall and winter holiday season?  Moxie Girl recommends bringing fall colors into your vacation rental home with a change of decorative pillows, throw rugs and kitchen towels. These items are very visible within the home, but they are also non-breakable and generally easy-to-clean. Keep in mind that it’s best to stay away from patterns or images related to specific holidays or religious beliefs, but there are more than enough choices in geometric or floral patterns in beautiful fall colors!

Light it Up!


Candles are another easy way to bring fall colors – and a warm holiday glow – into your vacation rental home. Of course, Moxie Girl recommends battery operated LED lights, rather than real candles. The faux flames come in as many sizes and shapes as the real thing so they can be safely utilized in a variety of ways.  Put the small tea-light versions in inexpensive stained glass candle cups, or add taper versions to a dining table centerpiece! Your guests are sure to enjoy the awesome holiday feel, so be sure to stock some replacements in your vacation rental home’s supply cabinet!


Speaking of glowing, white or single solid color mini bulb light strands are popular all year round, as they add a fabulously inviting ambiance to outdoor areas. If your vacation rental home doesn’t already have outdoor mood lighting, mini lights are a solid choice as an inexpensive and permanent addition to your vacation rental home! Be sure to purchase lights UL rated for outdoor use – and put them on a timer to maximize efficiency. And most importantly, make sure any and all cords are neatly and safely out of the way of guests.

The More, the Merrier!


If you set up your vacation rental home kitchen as recommended by Moxie Girl in “How to Set Up a Vacation Rental Home Kitchen”, you’ve got the basics and not much more. Smart. But, since holidays often mean food and drinks with family and friends, your guests may appreciate a few extras in the cupboards. Consider doubling up on flatware, serving dishes and utensils, baking sheets, and by all means, wine glasses and beer mugs!

Show Off Your Property


A periodic update to your vacation rental home’s listing never hurts – especially if you’ve updated its look by implementing any seasonal color or lighting changes, new photos are a great idea! And if your vacation rental home boasts features that may be particularly appealing during the holidays, be sure to highlight them in your property listing. A heated pool, hot tub or fireplace should be in the spotlight during the fall and winter season. (Watch for Moxie Girl’s upcoming fireside chat with Chad Nikkel of Aquaman Pools to get your water features ready for fall!)


Also, mention in your listing if your vacation rental home is in close proximity to any special events or displays in the Valley. The APS Electric Light Parade in central Phoenix, Glendale Glitters, Tempe Festival of the Arts, Zoolights at the Phoenix Zoo and the Luminaria Festival at the Desert Botanical Gardens are all popular traditions in the Valley. Any major or unique shopping venues nearby your vacation rental home property may also be of interest to a potential guest looking to make some holiday purchases once they arrive. Glendale vacation rental homeowners – don’t forget about the Fiesta Bowl on New Year’s Day!


Burn, Baby, Burn!


There’s obviously no better time than the holidays to cozy up in front of a toasty fire! As the owner of a vacation rental home with a fireplace, you’ll want to be certain that your fireplace is properly cleaned, maintained and ready for your guests to use. Posting some simple instructions regarding the operation of your gas fireplace is always a good idea.


For wood-burning fireplaces, Moxie Girl reminds you to make sure yours has a screen for fire safety and a set of fireplace tools nearby. Don’t ignore that chimney either – an annual cleaning is recommended. Of course, it’s up to you to decide if you’ll be providing any firewood or manufactured logs – just let your guests know what to expect.


Due to air quality issues, “No Burn Days” are a thing here in Arizona and it’s your responsibility as the homeowner to alert your guests – or face fines if violations occur.  Check out for current burn restrictions – the site even offers a sign up for automatic status alerts!

Out with the Old


The holiday season can create more trash than any other time of year and disposal service schedules often differ during this time. Pay special attention to the pick-up schedules at your vacation rental home property. Missing trash and recycle pick-up dates will only add to holiday stress, so make sure those bins are out on time!


Increase the supply of trash liners available for your guests to use during their stay, too. Because recycling rules in your area may vary from what guests are used to at home, it’s a good idea to label your recycle bins with the specifics to avoid confusion and any issues with your service provider!

We hope you find these tips helpful in preparing your vacation rental home for a happy and successful holiday season. Moxie Girl offers a variety of expert vacation rental home services, year round. Give us a call and find out how we can help you enjoy a more stress-free holiday season as a vacation rental property owner!

Minimizing Your Liabilities as a Vacation Rental Home Owner

August 20th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

If you own and operate a vacation rental home, Moxie Girl knows you already have plenty to think about – and that can lead to important details falling through the cracks. Heaven forbid something unfortunate happens on your property during a guest’s stay, but accidents do happen. Moxie Girl has a few tips – don’t we always? – to help protect yourself and your vacation rental home.

Proper Insurance is Essential!


Make an appointment with your insurance agent to discuss what the appropriate coverage is for your vacation rental property. Be sure to accurately disclose all details of your property and provide historical data if it is available regarding guest activity – such as the number of days rented per month, the average number of guests per stay, etc. – as all of this may affect coverage and rates.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Have an Air-tight Rental Agreement


All details regarding the terms of rental of your vacation home – check-in and check-out times, deposit requirements, late stay and extended-stay procedures, fees for damages and so forth –  should all be stated clearly and concisely in your rental agreement.


Unless you are willing and prepared to deal with the aftermath, you should also make it clear that parties or events during guest stay(s), beyond reasonable and size-appropriate get-togethers with in- town friends or family, are prohibited, as well as any illegal activity.


By ensuring your guests understand what’s expected of them and what to expect of you, should there be an incident, you greatly increase the probability of your guests being more respectful of the rules and of your vacation rental home in general. If they aren’t, or just happen to have an accident, at least you’ll have some legal recourse or protection against liability.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


What’s Your Sign?


We know you don’t want to overload guests with written instructions once they arrive – they are there on vacation after all, not for a reading assignment. But as we discussed in our fireside chat with Chad from Aquaman Pools, we strongly recommend posting a “pool rules” sign as close to the pool as possible. You can read our chat with Chad here

“No Diving, No Unattended Children or Pets, No Running on Pool Deck and NO GLASS in Pool Area” should always be included on your pool rules sign. Our blog, “Five Sizzling Tips for Vacation Rental Homes with Pools” has some suggestions for encouraging your guests to adhere to the No glass rule in particular!  Posting pool rules may not only get you a break in premiums but may even be required by your insurance company or local statutes regarding vacation rental homes. At minimum, you will have peace of mind knowing you did your part to promote a safe experience for your guests.

Photo by Greta Pichetti on Unsplash

While not required of course, posting simple, easy-to-follow instructions near any appliances that aren’t particularly user-friendly may be helpful to both you and your guests. A guest who can figure out how to start your fancy dishwasher, probably will – saving you time and effort in preparing for your next guests.


Many vacation rental homeowners keep a professional-looking binder prominently displayed in the home, which contains house rules, emergency numbers, Wi-Fi passwords and other pertinent info, and direct their guests in advance to check the binder for anything they may need to know. The binder is also a great place to keep any keys required for pool gates or laundry rooms. See our Moxie blog “That’s a Nice Touch!” for more ways to make your guests feel welcome and comfortable.


Technology: Good and Good for You!


From keyless entry systems to lockable thermostats, technology is at the ready to help protect your vacation rental home investment. Old-fashioned lockboxes can be tricky and if the code isn’t scrambled after opening or closing, the keys inside are vulnerable and may be used to gain an authorized entry by anyone. You also give your guests one less thing to keep track of by installing a keyless entry system on your property.


Many keyless systems can have multiple entry codes (for example one for your guests, and one for your cleaning crew or other service crews) and can be accessed, monitored and controlled from your smartphone.


As we pointed out in our blog “Tips for a Successful Summer as a Vacation Rental Homeowner” a lockable thermostat prevents your guests from excessive AC use, lowering your power bill and keeping your AC unit operating at its most efficient.

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Maintenance and Repairs


Many of us work around “issues” in our personal residences for a variety of reasons. We know to step over that loose tile at the top of the stairs, or maybe we’ve just been too busy to take a hammer to that carpet tack that has made its way to the surface of the bedroom threshold. However, those little issues should not go unattended when it comes to your vacation rental home!

Photo by Barn Images on Unsplash

Conduct a thorough walk-through of your property on a regular basis and take care of any issues that may have come up. Those walk-throughs are also a great time to do monthly maintenance like changing AC or water filters in the home. By keeping your vacation rental home meticulously maintained, you lower the chances of any incidents or injuries on your property – and increase the probability of a great guest review!



Need help with your vacation rental home? From expert set-up to professional cleaning, Moxie Girl leads the way in quality, reliable care for your vacation rental property. Contact us for a free consultation and see what Moxie Girl can do for you!


Drop Everything – It’s National Relaxation Day!

August 15th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


We all know we should, but most of us don’t make enough time to relax on a regular basis.  Thank goodness it’s National Relaxation Day! You have the day off, right? Hmmm…we don’t either. But Moxie Girl has compiled a selection of inexpensive to FREE ways to help you add a little relaxation into EVERY day! Many of our suggestions also go well together, so why not try a “pairing”?

Start With a Relaxing Cup of Green Tea

Green tea has long been known for its antioxidant qualities and other health benefits, but did you know it can actually help you relax? Green tea leaves contain an amino acid called L-theanine, which increases dopamine levels in your brain, promoting a state of calm awareness. If you’re serious about reaping all the health benefits green tea is said to provide experts recommend drinking it hot, but Moxie Girl knows iced green tea is more refreshing – and just as relaxing –  on a warm summer day!

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Well, Aren’t You Sweet?

Honey…The only food made by insects and consumed by humans (unless you can think of another!) We already knew honey to be a tasty natural sweetener, but honey can also help with relaxation.  As it turns out, honey contains the amino acid tryptophan – that same thing in turkey that causes a lot of napping after Thanksgiving dinner!

Go Brush Your Hair

Hair-brushing is a long-standing pre-bedtime ritual for many people. Brushing your hair for 10 minutes relaxes the mind while promoting a healthy scalp and shiny hair (and, dang, it feels GREAT!) Simple wire scalp massagers can be purchased at your favorite beauty supply store – and sometimes even the dollar store.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Mmmm…That Smells Relaxing!

It’s a fact: aromas can instantaneously change your mood. So why not change yours for the better by using aromatherapy? Burning a scented candle for 30 minutes just might turn your day from stressful to blissful. Seek out beeswax or soy/vegetable based wax candles containing pure, natural fragrances. For relaxation purposes, Moxie Girl recommends jasmine, rose, valerian, bergamot and lavender scents. (Never leave candles burning unattended – accidental fires are never relaxing!)

Essential oils are a great investment if you plan to add aromatherapy to your daily routine. They may be used in a number of ways.  After selecting your favorite essential oil (or combination of oils) it’s easy to make your own massage oil – just add 7 to 10 drops of oil to an ounce of “carrier” oil. A carrier oil will temper the essentials, making it safe to apply directly to your skin.  Coconut, avocado and olive oils all make great carriers – choose your favorite. Lightly massage a drop to your temples and wrists and let the relaxing begin! This massage oil may also be added to a nice, warm bath – 98-102 degrees, for 20 minutes is recommended for maximum benefit. No time for a bath? No problem – you can diffuse your mix using a humidifier or cold-air vaporizer. Diffusing for 15 minutes each hour will keep you calm and uplifted throughout the day!

Make your own aromatherapy linen spray by adding 30 – 40 drops of your favorite essential oils to an ounce and half of distilled water in a small spray bottle and shake well. Lightly mist your bath towels and bed linens and enjoy the benefits after your shower and all night long!

Photo by Brittany Neale on Unsplash


The “Most Relaxing Song Ever”

Another mood-altering factor in life is sound.  If the ambient sounds of your day have thus far had all the appeal of fingernails on a chalkboard, it’s time to change your tune!  With the goal of lowering the listener’s blood pressure, stress levels and heart rate, UK group Marconi Union, worked with sound therapists to utilize a peaceful production landscape filled with dreamy rhythms, melodies and complementary instruments (featuring piano, guitar and electronic samples of natural soundscapes) to create what some have deemed “the most relaxing song ever.”

Chocolate – The Darker the Better

The raw, unprocessed cocoa bean is considered a “super food” by many due to its high concentration of antioxidants – 40 times the antioxidants found in another super food, blueberries. While processing can destroy a large percentage of these antioxidants, a quality dark chocolate still contains enough natural “bliss” agents such as tryptophan and serotonin to bring feelings of happiness and well-being to the forefront of your mood! The higher the cocoa content the less sweet and more beneficial the chocolate, so seek out a dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% more.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

A Nice Glass of Wine

There are literally thousands of options when it comes to wine, but which one is best for relaxing?  Your favorite, of course! That’s right – while alcohol content and flavor may vary, most wines have the same cozy effect on your brain, so just choose your favorite or maybe try something new.  Always stay well-hydrated and drink responsibly!

Color Yourself Relaxed!

It’s taken a few years, but coloring has become a favorite way to relax for many adults.  There are a plethora of coloring books to choose from – from meditative mandalas to (very) adult themes. So, find one that appeals to your sensibilities, grab a pack of crayons or colored pencils and get busy.  If you’ve never tried coloring as an adult, Moxie Girl bets you’ll be amazed how easily you can forget your stresses and get lost in this activity!

Photo by Mint Owl on Unsplash

Winning Combinations

Just about any of the items on this list can be used simultaneously to enhance relaxation. Try enjoying your wine and dark chocolate together! Syrah, ports, and sherries are a few of the most delicious-with-chocolate wines – all in moderation, of course.

Green tea and honey together create a fabulously relaxing beverage, but did you know they are also great for your skin? Try whipping up this super simple and all natural green tea and honey facial mask.  Just moisten some green tea leaves (cutting open a tea bag will give you just about the right amount for a treatment) and blend with a little honey until you’ve formed a paste. Spread evenly on your face, avoiding eye areas, and sit back and relax for 15 minutes while the aroma relaxes your mind and the mask moisturizes and clears any redness! Gently wash off with warm water and enjoy the glow.  Seal it up, and any unused paste can be saved for spot treatments of problem areas for up to a week.

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Need More Time to Relax?

Who DOESN’T? So, why not let Moxie Girl take over some of your less favorite chores?  We specialize in vacation rental homes, but we are also experts in residential cleaning and home organization.  What can Moxie Girl do for YOU? Call Today for a FREE consultation!


Wildlife and Wild Weather – Things You Should Know About Summer in Phoenix

August 10th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


Summer is here and you’ve booked a fantastic vacation rental home in the Phoenix area – how exciting! If you’ve never visited Phoenix in the summer before, here are a few pointers to help you stay safe and enjoy your desert adventure.



Hot Enough for Ya?


Yes, it’s hot! And it’s not always a very dry heat. While the humidity level in Phoenix is generally far below much of the rest of the US, even 30% humidity, when combined with our high temperatures can seem pretty extreme. Moxie Girl cannot emphasize enough the importance of staying hydrated. Always carry plenty of fresh drinking water with you, especially when walking or driving in the desert. Drink water before – yes before – you feel thirsty. That thirsty feeling is a sign that you are already on your way to dehydration.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Hats and sunglasses offer protection from the sun, and sunscreen is a MUST! The higher the SPF, the more protection the sunscreen will provide, but even a waterproof sunscreen should be reapplied periodically to ensure sun safety. The desert sun is most damaging between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, so limited exposure during those hours is best. Try taking advantage of cooler early morning temperatures for recreational walking, hiking or biking!

Holy Haboobs, Batman!


Summer weather in the Valley often goes from “beautiful, hot and sunny” to dangerous, in short order! Monsoon season can start as early as June and last well into September – and is capable of bringing massive dust storms (called haboobs – really, you can Google it!) heavy rains, crazy wind and flash flooding.


Washes, natural water overflow passes, are abundant in the Arizona desert. You may notice the “Do Not Cross When Flooded” signs posted at many of these washes – and these warnings are not without good reason. Abrupt and heavy rain can cause the washes to flood within minutes, turning a dry desert into a rapidly moving river. A wash you may think doesn’t look “that” flooded, may actually be far deeper and faster moving than you would imagine. Enough people have tried to drive through flooded washes, necessitating emergency rescues that Arizona now has a “stupid motorist law” and may charge the stranded motorist up to $2000 to cover the cost of the rescue. And you don’t want to make your television debut from the roof of your vehicle on the 6 o’clock news, do you?


It is likely you may see an approaching haboob in time to get inside or, if you are driving, find a safe spot to pull off the road as far as possible. These massive dust storms can bring visibility to zero in a matter of seconds! The Arizona Department of Transportation advises pulling off the paved road as far as safely possible and turning off all your lights, so as not to confuse traffic that may be approaching from behind. Stay in your vehicle with your seatbelt on and wait for the dust storm to pass.

Photo from Arizonasfamily Instagram account.

Urban Desert is Still Desert


Perhaps your vacation rental home is in the center of town with lots of nearby bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues, but please remember you are still in the desert. Our wildlife may visit even heavily populated areas in search of food. Moxie Girl knows how exciting it can be to spot a javelina or a coyote – especially if you have never seen one in real life! And generally speaking, javelinas and coyotes are non-aggressive towards humans – unless they feel threatened.

But, consider that what may feel non-threatening to YOU could seem quite the opposite to the animal involved, especially if it has young ones nearby. Yes, a selfie with a wild desert boar WOULD be awesome but consider the potential consequences. (Have you noticed the teeth and tusks on those things?) It’s always advisable to observe any wild creature from a safe distance. Never provoke, get close to, or attempt to handle any of the creatures you may encounter. Think how silly you would feel if you died trying to pet something you shouldn’t – and on vacation, no less!


Vacationers with pets, especially small dogs, should never leave their pets outside unattended – even in a fenced yard – since the desert is home to some large birds of prey as well.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash


Ouch, That Hurt!


They are unique – and many are quite beautiful – but treat any unfamiliar desert plant the way you would a wild animal and keep your distance. Moxie Girl knows you wouldn’t deliberately stick your hand in a cactus but we even have some cactus that “jumps.” Trust us when we say you do not want to add “cactus spine removal” to your summer vacation itinerary. It is also wise to note that even though they may not be cactus or even a spiny succulent, many desert plants sport sharp points and the other unpleasantness. So your best bet is simply to DO NOT TOUCH.

Photo by Zella Duda on Unsplash

What IS That?


In addition to our native plants, birds, and mammals, the Arizona desert is also home to a variety of things you may NOT want to encounter…such as scorpions. They love to get comfy in those hiking boots you left outside! Best not to give them the opportunity in the first place, but always be sure to give any items left outside, such as towels or shoes, a good shake before putting them on or taking them in the house, to make sure there are no surprises! Seek medical treatment immediately should you fall victim to a scorpion’s sting.


It’s likely you may see other creepy crawlies, especially during our summer monsoon season. Yes, they are horrifying to look at, but giant desert roaches really won’t hurt you. Put the bravest person in your party in charge of a heavy shoe and inform them they are also in charge of disposing of that squashed scorpion or desert roach.


If you’re visiting in June or July you’ll be here for Palo Verde Beetle season. The Palo Verdi Borer Beetle is very interesting…and scary looking! With a limited lifespan of approximately 30 days, they are often mistaken for the desert roaches we mentioned above. They are quite the sight, 3 to 4 inches long with a bulky, segmented body. They are terribly clumsy, not at all speedy and agile like the desert roach. The Palo Verde Beetle is built like a tank, but they are indeed harmless to humans. Their entire 30-day existence is spent lumbering about in search of a mate and once mated, it dies.

Photo by David CLode on Unsplash

You Still In?


Of course, you are – a little wildlife and wild weather is nothing to fear now that you’re armed with desert safety tips and know what to expect. So go get packing for your Arizona summer vacation rental adventure!


Moxie Girl is your vacation rental expert! Vacation rental homeowners and guests, please check out our other blogs and videos for more ways to maximize and enjoy your vacation rental experience.


5 Sizzling Summer Tips for Vacation Rental Homes with Pools

July 26th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


Everyone knows there’s nothing more refreshing than a dip a cool, sparkling pool in the Phoenix summer! If your vacation rental home boasts one, no doubt your property will be in higher demand during the summer months than those that without a pool. Moxie Girl is ready with some tips to help prepare your vacation rental home for summer swimming fun!

1. First Things First

With your pool being a highlight of your summer vacation rental, you MUST make certain it’s properly maintained. To keep your pool looking its best, Moxie Girl recommends regularly scheduled professional service. Moxie Girl founder, Amanda Thomas, recently sat down with Chad Nikkel , owner of Aquaman Pools, to discuss caring for your vacation rental home pool. Chad shared some important points to remember:

A vacation rental home pool should be treated more like a public pool, both chemically and with regard to safety and liability issues.

Pool chemicals should be always be safely stored out of the sight of guests, and an automatic tab feeder is a much better and safer choice than floating chlorinator for a vacation rental home pool.

Reduce your liability by posting pool safety signs – No Diving, No Glass, No Running on Pool Deck! Sure, your guests may not always heed the warnings, but at least you (and your insurance company) will know you’ve done your part as a responsible vacation rental home owner to discourage mishaps!

Watch our fireside chat with Chad in its entirety, Aquaman fireside chat. Moxie Girl also recommends letting your guests know the days and times of regularly scheduled pool maintenance to avoid any awkward situations!

2. About that Glass…

Broken glass in the pool will definitely ruin everyone’s day.  Not only will the pool be unsafe for use, but glass shard removal from pools is time-consuming and costly!

Encourage your guests to follow the “No Glass” rule by hitting up your nearest dollar store and stocking your vacation rental home with pool-safe, colorful plastic drink ware! Shatter-proof tumblers, wine, beer and even margarita drink-ware is usually available in a rainbow of colors, and designs can range from solid colors to patterns and tiki and cactus themes. So have some fun and while you’re at it, a plastic pitcher for poolside pours is a great idea, as well as a supply of can koozies! Most of these plastics are completely dishwasher-safe, but always be sure to check the labels before purchasing.

3. Throwing in the Towel

Nothing will prematurely age your bath towels like using them out at the pool. Moxie Girl recommends stocking your vacation rental home with at least one beach towel per potential guest, plus a few extras – and make sure they’re placed in an obvious location so your guests see and use them. An appropriately-sized basket by the main door leading to the pool makes a tidy container for neatly rolled and attractively arranged pool towels.

If your towels (beach OR bath) have fallen victim to mildew, an unpleasant odor is usually the first clue…and that odor actually the smell of breeding bacteria – ewwwww! Take the steps below as soon as possible and chances are you can kill the bacteria and save your towels.

Place mildewed towels in washer, set water temperature to HOT, and add a cup of white vinegar (no detergent for this step). Manually stop the washer once it’s filled and let the towels soak for an hour. At the end of the hour, restart the washer and allow the cycle to complete.

Now, repeat the complete wash cycle, adding your regular laundry detergent and another cup of white vinegar. If the mildew odor is gone at the end of the cycle – hooray! High-five yourself and transfer those towels to the dryer and dry thoroughly. If you’ve read Moxie Girl’s “Laundry 101”, you already know to skip the dryer sheets as they reduce the absorbency of your towels!

4. Drip Dry

It doesn’t take long for mold and mildew to lay down roots in wet laundry! By providing a place for your guests to hang items wet from the pool, you’ll discourage mildew and prolong the life of your pool towels. Hooks or a retractable clothesline outside will discourage pool towels and other items from being brought into the house sopping wet.

Do be aware that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can quickly fade colorful towels, so keep that in mind when considering locations for your outdoor drip-dry area! Moxie Girl also recommends an absorbent floor mat outside all doors leading to the pool to help keep your interior floors safe and dry.



5. That’s a Nice Touch – Summer Update

If you’ve smartly stocked your vacation rental home with a basic first-aid kit, consider updating it for the summer season to include high spf sunscreen, aloe vera gel and a topical spray for bug bites, in “trial” sizes.  You may even consider bundling up these summer items in a vinyl mini tote bag to make a sweet little welcome gift for arriving guests.

Summer humidity tends to bring the mosquitoes, so consider some citronella candles in the pool area.  Look for candles in non-glass containers only, of course – we’ve seen some cute metal and terra cotta versions for sale.

“Pool noodles” are colorful, inexpensive and give your guests a little something to float around with in the pool. You can pick them at the dollar store while you’re buying your fun plastic drink-ware. Be sure to check out Moxie Girls tips for adding a first-aid kit as well as other thoughtful touches your guests will appreciate, “That’s a Nice Touch”


Moxie Girl is your vacation rental specialist, all year round! We’re always sharing helpful hints to make your life easier and keep your guests happy, so check back often for more from Moxie!

Happy National Tequila Day

July 24th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno


Daydreaming about floating in the sparkling blue pool of your summer vacation rental in Phoenix, sipping an ice cold margarita and watching the sunset? You should make that happen! And if you need a reason to celebrate, it’s National Tequila Day today! Moxie Girl is here share some interesting facts about this potent spirit – and a recipe for our very own MoxieRita!


MoxieRita, anyone? 

Whether you are on Team Frozen or Team On-the-Rocks, if you enjoy a margarita you are not alone especially here in Arizona. Try this version – the MoxieRita  – using prickly pear syrup for a unique taste of our beautiful desert AND our favorite color!


2 ounces tequila

4 ounce limeade

1 ounce prickly pear syrup

Course salt (optional) – pink if you can find it! 

Pour salt onto a small plate and moisten the rim of the margarita glass – dip the rim in the salt.

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in all liquid ingredients. Cover, shake and strain over ice into your sugar-rimmed margarita glass.

Need some reading material while you sip? How about a few fun facts about tequila?

It’s Not Just a Name

Similar to champagne vs. sparkling wine, tequila has rules for being true tequila. To be labeled as tequila, the spirit must be made in Mexico and contain at least 51% of its sugars from the blue agave plant – the Weber Blue Agave variation, to be exact. That means up to 49% of its sugars may a mixture of other agave sugars. Tequilas containing a higher percentage of the premium blue agave are considered to be superior quality, so read those labels!

We’re Surrounded by Agave – Why is Tequila so Pricey?

Many variations of the agave plant are native to the hot, dry regions of Mexico and the Southwestern United States, including Arizona.  Look around – you’ll probably spot at least one. But of course, it’s the treasured blue agave that makes tequila, tequila. Most blue agave plants take at least six years to mature, and it may be two to four years after that for the plant to be harvest-ready. One agave plant equals roughly only 3 – 4 liters of 100% tequila. And once the agave has been harvested, that’s all, folks!

The Heart of the Matter


It’s the center, or heart, of the agave plant which is used to make tequila.  The leaves of the giant plant are cut away and the heart is harvested and baked.  The agave juices are then extracted, fermented and distilled. The heart of a blue agave may weigh up to 200 pounds and is referred to as the “pina” because it looks like a giant pineapple when harvested. The origin of this process may be traced back to the ancient Aztecs, who favored a drink called “pulque” which also used the fermented sap of the agave.  Even what we know today as “modern” tequila dates back to the 1700s.

That Worm, Tho!

If your bottle of “tequila” came with a worm, stop right there. You’ve got yourself a bottle of mescal, not tequila. Remember the rules about blue agave percentages? While true tequila must contain at least 51% sugars from blue agave, mescal uses the same process and creates a similar spirit, but has no such requirements. The sugars in mescal may be produced using any agave plant and some mescal producers add a whole insect larva, aka “the worm”, during bottling…for flavor!



“Arriba, abajo al centro y para dentro – salud!”  (Up, down, to center and into – cheers!) We hope you enjoy National Tequila Day!  As always, please drink responsibly and hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE! (Did we mention, HYDRATE?!?!) Our Arizona sun is brutal and if you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already on your way to dehydration – and nobody wants that.

Moxie Girl has valuable information to help make your summer vacation rental  a success for both vacation rental home owners and guests – in addition to smart tips for party prep, serving and clean-up for more carefree summer soirees.  Check our past blogs and don’t miss the new ones – follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to stay up to date on everything Moxie!

Pool Perfection! Fireside Chat – Chad Nikkel, Owner of Aquaman pools

July 18th, 2018 | By Claudia Moreno

With the Phoenix summer upon us, a sparkling clean swimming pool is at the top of “must-have” list for many vacation home rental guests.  As a vacation rental home owner, you’ll want to be sure your pool is maintained with excellence. You’ll also want protect yourself against potential liabilities!

Amanda Thomas of Moxie Girl recently had opportunity to chat with Chad Nikkel, owner of Aquaman Pools about some simple steps you can take to ensure a great vacation rental experience for your guests – and yourself – this summer.


AT: Hi there – this is Amanda Thomas with Moxie Girl, your vacation rental cleaning specialists! I’m here with Chad Nikkel, the owner of Aquaman Pools. He’s here today to give us some tips on caring for your vacation rental pools. Thanks for joining us today.


CN: You bet! Good to be here.


AT: Yeah! Thank you! So, when we were talking earlier, you had mentioned that vacation rental pools are more like commercial pools than residential pools. What did you mean by that?


CN: Yeah, in a residential pool you might have, you know, two or three people in the pool during the week. At a vacation rental pool, people are paying for use of the property for a vacation, so quite often there may be 10 people in the house. Since they are paying for the use of the pool, they are using that pool much more. In this situation there might be 5, 6, 8, 10 people – maybe more – in the pool every day. Pools run and consume chemicals based on how many people are in them and how much organic matter is in the pool. So you might have 10 or 15 times the amount of people in that pool than you would normally have in a residential pool. And that’s why we treat it like a commercial pool, much like an HOA for condo complex or a hotel.


AT: So, it would need more chemicals? Or just different chemicals, or…?


CN: Yeah, so it would a chemical feeder on the pool, like a tab feeder that’s back at the equipment, essentially so that it is continually feeding chlorine to that pool. So it is staying in front of those issues so that it doesn’t get murky, etc.

But then also maybe some other chemicals like enzymes and that type of thing that we wouldn’t always use in a residential setting. So for instance, with sunscreen and things like that on the body, chlorine is fighting to get rid of that and it’s consuming a lot of chlorine to do that, so if there’s more and more people in the pool, things like enzymes and other types of algaecides can help get rid of those things so that the chlorine can actually do its job correctly and keep the water clear.


AT: OK, so that’s why one time we stayed in a vacation rental and there were eight of us in a hot tub. The next morning it was like a scummy soup. Right, so you don’t want that happening with your vacation rental guests. That’s not good reviews!

Related image

Cool! So any other tips you would give vacation rental owners to make sure they are protected, they are safe and that they are getting good reviews?


CN:  Yes! One of the things is to make sure it’s not just a chlorine floater in the pool. In a residential situation there’s a little pop-up feeder that has chlorine in it that’s floating around the pool. In a vacation rental pool, it’s better to have that back at the equipment because somebody’s kid could take that chlorine tablet out of that floater and it could hurt them. That’s a potential liability and something that could be easily solved with a simple tablet feeder that’s located back at the pool equipment, so that it is away from the environment that the guests are swimming in.


All commercial pools have that as a requirement – it’s code. So, even though it’s not an “inspected” pool, that’s the best way to do it. And from a liability perspective, that eliminates some concerns so it may be a situation where you could reduce some insurance costs if you can do some of these things, like putting “No Diving” signs around, and doing your part as a vacation rental home owner in saying, hey, the signs were there, you know if somebody – god forbid – hurts themselves diving in your pool.


AT: Yeah, try to protect yourself from the silly decisions your guests could make. Sounds good! So, it sounds like it’s important to have signs posted and also make sure that your pool guy knows that this is a vacation rental so he can have the chemicals set up correctly for that.


CN: Exactly! Yep!


AT: Perfect! And if any of you owners out there don’t have pool service yet or are looking to change, Aquaman Pools services the Valley, and they are fantastic! This is Chad, he’s the owner. If you have any questions please reach out to them. They would be happy to help you with your pool. Thanks so much and we’ll see you next time!



For all your pool service needs, contact Aquaman Pools at 480-243 POOL (480-243-7665) or email!

With our vast experience, Moxie Girl can help with all your vacation rental home needs – and we’ve found some of the best local products and services in The Valley. Watch for more Moxie Girl fireside chats coming soon!